Phone-Controlled Door Lock With a Raspberry Pi

By on January 29, 2017
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How many times you lose time looking for your home keys in front of the door? Are the keys in your wife’s bag? Lost in your car? Are you sure it never happened to you? …never say never!! :)

YouTubers Hacker House made a smart lock that you can control with your phone and with a Raspberry Pi.

The idea here is to automate a simple lock mechanism with a Raspberry Pi, a high torque servo and some 3D printed parts. The smartphone software is handled by Blynk.

The end result isn’t pretty, it could be better…but it certainly does the job and you can lock or unlock the door from your smartphone. Head over to YouTube for the full parts list and code.

Take a look to the following video for the full steps and project code.

About Luca Ruggeri

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