Welcome to KamerMaker: the (Open Source) Room Builder

By on February 13, 2013
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In the Netherlands, they take 3D printing sesiously, especially when it comes to using it as a technology for buildings and public places. As you may recall, last week we covered the news 3D printing being experimented as a tool to build Lunar houses and – in that piece – we reported that a Dutch studio is going to build the first 3D printed house thanks to Enrico Dini’s technology.

Now this, KamerMaker, “a pavilion that builds pavilions”:

The KamerMaker (RoomBuilder) is the world’s first movable pavilion that can 3D print entire rooms of plastics. Its 3D print technology is based on an enlarged ‘Ultimaker’ 3D  printing machine. This machine can print 3D objects using PLA (bio plastics produced from corn). Just like its little sister, the KamerMaker can print small interiors, measuring up to 2.0m(width) x 2.0m (length) x 3.5m (height).


The promises of 3D printing in the construction industry seem to be rising these days.

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