VIPER, IoT app in few clicks, crossplatform and Python: back them on Kickstarter, only 19 days left!

By on March 9, 2015
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VIPER is Viper Is Python Embedded in Realtime

VIPER is an easy to use development suite for the high level design of interactive objects ready for the cloud and the IoT.

With VIPER creatives, designers and professionals can develop in Python for Arduino DUE, UDOO and all Spark products (Core, Photon and Electron), and similar boards using paradigms and features typical of PC and mobile programming

Learn how to create your IoT application in 5 steps, no deep programming skills needed. There are also common use cases available, directly on their kickstarter page: VIPER: the Python IoT Design suite for Arduino, UDOO & Spark by TOI ThingsOnInternet — Kickstarter.

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