• AvoRipe – Check your Avocado’s Ripeness

      It happened to everyone, you buy an avocado, it’s not ripe yet. A few days pass by, and by the time it’s ripe you have forgotten about it… and in a few days, it may go...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Network Time Digital Clock Using the ESP8266

    https://youtu.be/3LkKYtQqzKo   Sometimes clocks lose their time and you have to set up it again. If you don’t want to get bored any more make your own digital clock! It uses a wemos D1 board which gets...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • ISS Tracking Lamp
    ISS Tracking Lamp

      The ISS Tracking Lamp is a Internet connected lamp which constantly tracks the ISS and displays it location on Earth’s surface (printed in 3D). The lamp also displays the sunny side of Earth with Neopixels! So,...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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