The Tactigon is a board for wearable applications prototyping, able to recognize gestures and different kind of movements, thanks to the firmware availability and simple programming which are typical of the Arduino environment. You knew about it...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The Tactigon Meets GPS

      We test with the wearable application and three-dimensional gesture detection prototype device, by making the GPS receiver interact with the onboard IMU in order to improve position detection process. The Tactigon, as explained in the dedicated...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • The Tactigon, THE gesture controller

      Tactigon is born for the prototyping and developing of interfaces for gesture recognition and capture both integrated with environmental parameters; this board connects via Bluetooth and can be programmed through Arduino IDE.  

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Programmable Board for 3D Gesture Control, Motion Capturing, Tracking and Robotics

    THE TACTIGON is a portable and wearable device with 3D motion sensors on board. You can use the board for different applications like human machine interaction, virtual reality and motion tracking. THE TACTIGON board uses IMU sensors....

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • The Tactigon Open Board Awaits Your Code!

    The Tactigon is the perfect link between humans or objects and the digital world, with its IMU 3D features, environmental sensors and Bluetooth 4.0 technology. It  is a unique platform, programmable with Arduino IDE and expandable with GPS, LoRa or SIGFOX...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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