• OsBot Human Bone Replicating 3D Printer will be ready soon?

    Advances in 3D printing technology have begun to have a transformative effect on the medical community. We’ve all read the stories of 3D printed hands and other prosthetic devices, but that is only scratching the surface of...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • New Prosthetic Ear Thanks to 3D Printing

    This is the story of Kai, a chinese 4-years old boy born without one ear. As the boy was growing up, his parents started worrying about possible consequences on the little boy social life and also health....

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Ozzie has a new 3D printed leg… A Golden Goose, from BunnyCorp

    BunnyCorp, a 3D design and engineering company from Johannesburg, South Africa, carried on a very nice project, among the many on prosthetic they are developing. This time, the news is about a 3D printed leg for an...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Iron Man donates a bionic arm to a 7yr. boy: a real hero!

    It is a worldwide well-known news but we can’t avoid publishing, the message is too strong and important!   “Tony Stark never imagined his bionic suit would earn the superhero title of “Iron Man” (because technically, the...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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