• Pixelapse offer Visual version control for (2D) designers (for now)

    A new nice system for collaborative development in Open Design is debuting on the market. As of now, I’m not sure which kind of files you could manage with this platform, but for sure you may find...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Obrary, on a challenge: marketing Open Design (or Open Source Hardware)

    Few days ago I had the chance of exchanging few tweets with the Obrary team about file availability @TheObrary I saw the definition but can’t see download links in product pages, only email links. — Simone Cicero...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • MatterMachine is the Third Industrial Revolution, customized for you

    Tom Kluyskens, founder of MatterMachine, is a civil electromechanical engineer that can’t be better described than by his linkedin bio. According to it, Tom “enjoyed a frivolous yet forming 10 year career in digital visual effects for...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • MatterMachine is the tool for Parametric Design

    An incredible new tool I’ve found online: this parametric design environment is perfect to implement parametric design features on top of open design projects. Look at the demo with an opendesk table: Design or tweak your product MatterMachine...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • FabHub team presents OpenDesk.cc

    OpenDesk is a collaboration between furniture designers Joni & David Steiner and Development 00, the team behind digital fabrication platform FabHub. An offshoot of / follow up to the TED-prize winning WikiHouse project, which created the world’s...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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