• The New Open Hardware Certification Program

    Few days ago at the Open Hardware Summit at MIT, OSHWA, the Open Source Hardware Association has announced a huge revision to the Open Hardware certification process. The goal here is to design a better platform for...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Google halts project ARA, modular phones are too expensive and bulky

    Modular smartphones have generated great enthusiasm in the tech community for their potential to prolong the lifespan of a device and reduce electronic waste. But the devices are difficult to bring to market because their interchangeable parts...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Arduino vs Arduino: who will keep the brand?

    Arduino LLC is suing Arduino Srl (the Italian version of an LLC). Sounds confusing? It gets juicier. Here on Hackaday a summary of the situation. We will write a deep analysis very soon, stay tuned on Open-Electronics.org!...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • A Key paper on EU Design Law that you should read if doing business in Hardware

    In case you work with open source hardware, this paper will explain you very well how to deal with EU design Law: it’s a good (tough advanced) read for those of you thinking to start a business...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • How to choose your Open Source Hardware License

    It’s always tricky when you create something: a complex project, a commercial product or just an hack and then you must decide what license you should use for that, for releasing it to the public. The discussion...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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