• A fridge that follows our movements

    In this project an Arduino Uno was used to build a robot fridge that follows our movements. This uses Bluetooth and GPS communication to understand the path to follow. In particular, it compares its GPS position with...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • DIY a Self-Balancing Robot Driven By an Insect

    Augmented Arthropod by Grzegorz Lochnicki and Nicolas Kubail Kalousdian is an innovative self-balancing robot that is actually piloted by the movements of an insect placed inside a plastic case using two HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. The structure for...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • DualPanto: a Video Gaming Interface for the Visually Impaired

    While there are tools that allow the visually impaired to interact with computers, conveying spacial relationships, such as those needed for gaming, is certainly a challenge. To address this, researchers have come up with DualPanto. This device uses...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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