• How Google’s Project Ara Could Pave The Way For Next-Gen UI

      When you think about it, smartphones haven’t changed dramatically since the iPhone was first released in 2007. Sure, they have gotten faster, more powerful, and thinner. They have far better sound, displays, and cameras. But at...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • FABtotum hits Production

    The famous Italian FABTOTUM printer is about to hit the desktop of its early bird adopters. This pretty cool project may be useful to understand the advancements > Behind the scenes: Production Facility | FABtotum. In the meantime...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Music Hacker’s Instrument developed at a University in London

    Interesting exploration of interaction design in music. Will be Open Source! An 8-inch wooden cube may be an unlikely spark for a musical revolution – but that’s the hope of a collaboration of electronic engineers and musicians...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Vectr, the Open Source 3D Sensing Gesture Controller is campaigning

    Fascinating project on Kickstarter: really worth supporting: What is Vectr? The Hackme Vectr is an entirely new and unique way to interact with a modular synthesizer. Vectr is a three dimensional control interface designed for Eurorack modular...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Bare Conductive’s Touch Board is on Kickstarter

    London based Bare Conductive is funding the Touch Board on Indiegogo: go show some special love to this amazing project that could really open new perspectives in creating new and amazing interaction modes. Now anyone can transform...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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