• DIY a Self-Balancing Robot Driven By an Insect

    Augmented Arthropod by Grzegorz Lochnicki and Nicolas Kubail Kalousdian is an innovative self-balancing robot that is actually piloted by the movements of an insect placed inside a plastic case using two HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. The structure for...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Scientists 3D print snacks using ground up bugs

    Ok, we saw a lot of applications of 3Dprinting but nothing it was so strange: British scientists have come up with an innovative way of 3D printing the unusual food, which is made from insect ‘flour’, which...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • RoboRoach helps you Control a living insect from your smartphone (on Kickstarter)

    This is one of the most incredible kickstarter campaign ever: Control the movements of a live cockroach from your own mobile device! This is the world’s first commercially available cyborg! The RoboRoach: Control a living insect from...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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