• Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

    What if we have already developed an Arduino application and we want internet connectivity for it? Yun shield is the answer.   Yun shield provides Internet connectivity for all Arduino boards. It features the same connectivity functions...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Raspberry Radio
    Raspberry Pi as an Audio/Media Center: the best Linux distros

    Probably, the best use you could do with a Raspberry Pi would be turning it in a full-fledged media center. With some tuning, a Raspberry Pi can become indeed a device that audiophiles will love, or a...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 13
  • Arduino Yun
    Arduino Yún: the best hacks you will ever see

    The last time I wrote about the best hacks available for a board, I had so much to choice between; now instead, writing about Arduino Yún and all of its best hacks, it was difficult to me...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 9
  • Creating an Air Hockey Robot with a 3D printer hack

    Super cool project, all documented and open source! Based on the idea of use standard RepRap 3D printer parts : NEMA17 stepper motors, drivers, Arduino Mega, RAMPS, belts , bearings, rods, printed pieces … I started to...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi
    Raspberry Pi: giant hacks for a tiny board

    Usually there are two ways to look forward to buy a Raspberry Pi: first, think about a strange thing to make, and then go to the website; or second, buy the Raspberry Pi board having no idea...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 3
  • Transform a store window in a Video Game for the Neighbourhood 

    Cannot resist but publishing this AMAZING project. Full schematics available on the site. My house/office has a store window and I try to make use of it as much as possible. I had some projections etc. in there...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Using DTT to create your own TV transmitter

    The TV transmitter we present today generates a stream containing four TV programs and broadcasts it on a frequency in the DTT standard . Ideal for stacking in an antenna system, audiovisual channels generated on-site or from...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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