OpenStore: TFT Shield for Arduino and Fishino

By on October 19, 2017
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Now available in our store the new TFT shield for our Fishino boards but also for Arduino.

This is a shield mounting a display with good performances, that we are going to describe in this article.

These are the main features:

  • fairly small dimensions (2.4″ o 2.8″ display);
  • resolution of 320 x 240 pixels, with high color depth;
  • touch interface to interact;
  • low hardware resources requirements;
  • a shield capable of adapting to all the products from the Fishino to Arduino;
  • possibility to connect other components to the shield, therefore exposing of all the I/O’s to various boards even went mounting the display.


This is the link for the full suite of software libraries

  • FishinoGFX Library: for “high-level” graphical functions
  • FishinoILI9341 Library: for interface functions with the hardware display.
  • FishinoXPT2046 Library: to handle the touch screen


Visit the store

TFT Shield



About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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