Nokia moves ahead in 3D printing

By on January 24, 2013
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Probably most of you already noticed this news. From Shapeways:

Nokia have made the rear shell for the Nokia Lumia 820 available to download from their developer site as an STL that can be uploaded and 3D printed by Shapeways or a STEP file that can be opened and parametrically modified by a variety of CAD software such as Solidworks and Inventor.

[…] What makes this really important is that a major manufacturer is making it possible for their customers to add value to their products without any cost to the manufacturer.

via Nokia Becomes the First Major Manufacturer to Release 3D Printable Files for Their Product – Shapeways Blog on 3D Printing News & Innovation.

Apparently, Nokia wants to regain a position as an innovator in the world of consumer electronics, having been relegated to follower for far too long.

The overall strategy behind the Finnish giant move is difficult to understand:  testing how the DIY market reacts ? Checking the to be maturity of  desktop 3D printing technologies?

Personally, we wouldn’t surprise by reinterpreted versions of this shell on Shapeways (a good business opportunity indeed) even with nicer materials.

The simplest application could be related to adding advanced features  to this cover such as a wire clip or other handy stuff.  Interesting opportunities rise in the field of in store, instant personalization. Think to electronics shops.

We have tried to print the case with our 3Drag, however, does not seem an easy task given the level of detail required.

But the results are still good.

What About? Did you? Any idea for a personalization?

by @meedabyte

About Simone Cicero

Simone Cicero is a blogger (at, strategist & speaker. Simone is also a long time Open Source advocate and Open Source Electronics editor. Follow him on twitter at @meedabyte

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