MOREbot: 3D Printed Robotics Platform To Bring Your Ideas to Life

By on March 26, 2019
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MORE Technologies launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise US$20,000 for development of its open source robot ecosystem.

MOREbot is an expandable modular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) learning robotic ecosystem. All robot parts are 3D printed, which makes it very affordable, according to the company. The ecosystem includes modular components, 3D printed parts, open source learning and Bluetooth-controlled apps. MOREbot teaches valuable tech skills, like coding, 3D printing and electronics, using the Arduino platform. It also prepares users to become makers, while teaching skills like problem-solving and design thinking that can help them adapt to a fast-changing world.

MOREbot learning starts with building a Base Robot and then controlling it via a mobile app. Add-on kits expand the learning curve and the functional capability of the robots.

Each kit can function alone. Users create simple structures and work up to building more complex and sophisticated robots.

The Game Kit transforms the MOREbot into an interactive device with a screen and multiple controls. The goal is to engage users in learning the base concepts of games programming.

The kit is used in 15 lessons with varying levels of difficulty. Users can remix modules for experiments in every lesson. The endgame is to build, wire and program the MOREbot platform into a full controller and game system.

About Luca Ruggeri

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