MATERIA 101, Arduino branded 3d printer debuts at Rome Maker Faire!

By on October 4, 2014
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Finally, Arduino Branded 3Dprinter debuted: the printer is available these days at Rome Maker Faire for you to check!

The printer has been developed together with another Italian company, Sharebot: Italy is betting hard on makers!

After the sneak peak of some days ago, we are happy to officially announce the Arduino 3d printer . Completely open source and affordable, Arduino Materia 101 (more pics) is a device aiming at simplifying access to the world of 3D printing and rapid prototyping.

Materia 101 is a precision 3D printer running on Arduino Mega, designed and developed in Italy, thanks to the collaboration of Arduino and Sharebot, two companies working with a similar approach to technology. It is ideal for beginners, makers and education.

via Arduino Blog » Blog Archive » Arduino MATERIA 101: simplifying access to the world of 3D printing.

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