Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition is starting

By on December 11, 2020
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Innovation remains the absolute protagonist. The mission is promoting progress through the sharing of ideas by creating a virtuous ecosystem between makers, companies, institutions, schools, universities and research centres. Over 300 stands with ideas, prototypes and innovative projects are ready to be unveiled, and dozens of live conferences have already been set up. The many and varied proposals are of the highest quality. Now we are just waiting for you! Even in a very complex year like the one we are experiencing, “Maker Faire Rome – The European edition” will be back as a protagonist from 10 to 13 December (,but due to the health emergencyit will take place with a completely new format. This year the event will take place in a digital form. Thanks to a dedicated platform that is not the simple online translation of the physical event, as it has consolidated over time, the momentum of the players involved will be maintained and the expectations of the general public met.The main themesFrom agritech to foodtech, from digital manufacturing to robotics, from artificial intelligence to mobility, from the circular economy to health, from IoT to recycling to data science, sportech and fashion, in addition to the dedicated sections of Maker Art and Maker Music that will explore the intersection between arts, music, science and technology: the contents are ready to surprise, exactly as happened when the event was “in person”.

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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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