By on September 18, 2018
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Maker Faire Rome is not only the end point for makers, but a starting point towards a better future. This is why the 2018 edition will also include special contests and initiatives aimed at promoting the best projects in order to guarantee the visibility and development of the various initiatives presented, a public and tangible recognition of the value of the creativity displayed during the event.

This year’s contests include MakeIn’Africa promoted by Eni, which aims to support and spread innovative technological solutions in support of energy access, a circular economy, and energy efficiency in Africa.

Make to Care , promoted by Sanofi Genzyme, returns for its 3rd edition and facilitates the rrealizationand spread of innovative solutions that deal with the real needs of people affected by any form of disability.

IGPDecaux, the Italian leader in the field of external communication, will participate in Maker Faire Rome 2018 as media partner and launch a new Social Innovation Challenge aimed at keeping alive the dialogue on new shared and technological uses for public urban areas.

Participants will be asked to work using avant-garde methods to design and plan new uses for public urban areas that are inclusive and collaborative, based on technological development and facilitated by services that can be financed by the sale of advertising.

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About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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