LTE/GPS, Grove and Espruino Compatibility: This is the New Wio Tracker LTE

By on September 8, 2017
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Seeed Studios has just revealed the new $97.50 Wio Tracker LTE.

Compared to the old 2G GPS-enabled Wio Tracker, this new LTE version has the same 54.7 x 48.2mm footprint, 6x Grove connectors, and Arduino IDE compatibility, but offers much faster and more widely supported 4G LTE (thanks to the Quectel EC21-A LTE module) and UMTS/HSPA+ communications.
The open source board also supports a wider range of location services, and has a faster MCU and more flash and RAM.

It’s designed for mobile IoT sensor gateway and tracking applications including bicycle sharing or tracking vehicles, pets, livestock, and people. The new board adds GLONASS and Galileo locations services, all with < 2.5m CEP precision.

Wio Tracker LTE version advances to a 168MHz Cortex-M4F based STM32 MCU (STMicro’s STM32F405RG) that is claimed to be five times faster than the 2G board. The new MCU also brings you an upgrade to 1MB flash and 192+4KB SRAM. Unlike the 2G version, the STM32 upgrade enables the LTE board to mimic an Espruino board, letting you program it with the JavaScript based, open source Espruino IDE.

The two Wio Trackers share the same ”transplantable and expansible” AT command library compatible with Arduino IDE and Grove libraries. The GPS library is also accessible to C/C++ developers.

Click here for further informations and full specs.

About Luca Ruggeri

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