ATTRACTS, A DIY Smartwatch to Prevent and Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

By on July 1, 2015

Web site:

Project Summary:

ATTRACTS is a DIY smartwatch to prevent the carpal tunnel syndrome. It also can be used to exercise by people who have a muscle weakness and people who had stroke recovery.

Full Project:

ATTRACTS is made of some electronic modules. ATTRACTS has Teensy 3.1 for its microcontroller. ATTRACTS has a TFT 1.44” LCD Screen. Furthermore, ATTRACTS can be used as a mouse because it has Bluetooth HID module and gyrometer as its direction of movement. ATTRACTS uses 3.7 Volt battery as its power supply. Here is the picture of ATTRACTS.



We use 3D printing for its case. We made the case with a software called Sketch Up. We use Straps cloth as its wristwatch



ATTRACTS uses 2 sensor to detect the hand movement, flex sensor and module muscle sensor. The flex sensor is attached in the gloves, and used to exercise and diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome through the movement of the thumb. In the module muscle sensor, there is a 9 volt battery as its power supply.

DSCF2151 DSCF2152


Circuit diagram:

Here is the schematic and brd file

Schematic and board

Bill of Materials:

Teensy 3.1 1x

MPU6050 1x

Bluetooth HID 1x

Lipo Charger 1x

Lipo battery 3.7V @1000mAH 1x

LCD TFT 1.44” 1x

Flex Sensor 1x

Muscle Sensor 1x

Battery 9V 1x


So this is the firmware version 1   Attracts_code


Here is the picture. It consist of frontside and backside of the pcb



About attracts

We are ATTRACTS team, we come from Indonesia. We have create a project about medical watch by using Teensy and Arduino. One of the parts of the watch can be used as a mouse so if you need a mouse, just use the watch :D

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