EmoPot – A vase that can show the emotions of plants

By on August 10, 2021
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In this project we will see how to make a smart pot that can show the emotion of a plant. It uses a soil moisture sensor to monitor the state of the soil and then displays an emoticon expression for that moisture level.

To carry out this project we first need a plant pot. In this case we made it using fusion 360 and 3D printing it having the foresight to leave a compartment in which to store the electronics; if you have a 3d printer you can print it yourself, otherwise you can safely use a normal vase and, separately, store the electronic components in a box.

The microcontroller used is an Arduino Nano R3 and to show the emoticon we connected a 0.96″ OLED I2C display; below the wiring diagram.

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About Bianchi Gabriele

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