DIY a Snips Based Infrared Voice Controller

By on May 1, 2019
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If you’ve ever wanted to build your very own personal assistant voice control rather than use one of the off-the-shelf devices from Amazon, Google, Apple and others…You may be interested in a new DIY infrared voice controller created using Snips Voice Platform.

Snips is a set of applications that together create an AI assistant and can even run on a tiny Raspberry Pi 3B. The Snips Voice Interaction Development Kits empowers users to jump start their development of voice interfaces and easily integrate the Snips AI Voice Platform with hardware. Snips runs on device, meaning all of your voice commands and data are processed locally rather than being sent to the cloud. This on-device processing results in a completely secure offline voice assistant that keeps your personal data private, as it should be.

Greg, the creator of this device, has published a detailed guide of the entire project.

My young 3yo likes to hide my TV remote and I can never find it when I need to use it. I already use Snips voice platform in my home, so I started thinking how I could remove the remotes totally and just ask my home assistant with my voice to control my devices. Turns out it was very easy, and this project is so simple, easy to setup and manage, you can too.

Once upon a time… I had 4 remotes, just for the devices in the lounge room alone. A remote each for the TV, amplifier, DVD and aircon. They are now in the bottom draw, I just speak aloud what I want to control.

Further information are available here.

About Luca Ruggeri

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