Create Hackable 8-bit chiptunes with Low Fi Ses!

By on November 6, 2014
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This project is seriously amazing: easy, appealing, playful and opensource.

Look into the video to get a glance of the potential!

Know how to play video games? Like music? You’ll love the Lo-Fi SES (Sound Entertainment System). It’s an instrument that makes it easy to rock out as a chiptune artist.

The Lo-Fi SES is all fun with no practice. It may look like a game controller, but it’s actually a music controller. You might’ve never learned to play piano or guitar, but I’ll bet you rocked at more than a few video games. Lo-Fi SES lets you turn those hard fought skills into musical magic.

And, like any good guitar, the Lo-Fi SES has to look as good as it sounds. That’s why the Lo-Fi SES itself is a work of art. The fantastic Doctor Octoroc divined the graphics for this instrument and produced the animation in the video.


via Lo-Fi SES: Hackable 8-bit chiptunes instrument by Assorted Wires — Kickstarter.

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