Choco 3Drag, BIG 3Drag and more… at Maker Faire Rome

By on October 3, 2014
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Start today the largest European exhibition of Innovation: Maker Faire Rome.

On this occasion, Open-Electronics and Future Group participate as  Technical Partners, with workshop area dedicated to printers 3Drag of its own design and distribution.


For all three days of the event will in fact be active in the area Mizakhani Real Time 3D Service, available to all visitors.

Below is the complete program

1) Print On Demand

The visitor will be able to carry on their STL files for the creation of an object in 3D with one of the eight 3Drag provided.


2) Printing gadget

The visitor can print a keychain choosing from 5 different shapes.


3) Mini tutorial 3D printing

Throughout the day there will be mini tutorial where you will learn in detail the various phases of the 3D printing with an active involvement of passing visitors.

They are also running new versions of 3Drag:
Choco 3Drag for printing of three-dimensional shapes with chocolate,
and a preview of the absolute BIG 3Drag, the larger version of the same machine, which will allow you to print objects with a size up to 400x200x200 mm.


Come to visit as at

Maker Faire Rome

3-4-5 Ottobre 2014

Auditorium Parco della Musica

Viale Pietro de Coubertin, 10

Area Mizakhani – Stand GS19-GS20

About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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