Building a Raspberry Pi full keyboard handheld

By on September 1, 2019
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Not really surprisingly, it is quite hard to get a mobile Linux handheld device in 2019. You either have to build your own or try to get your hands on the (discontinued) obscure ones. Would computer manufacturers sell you a device that lasts you 10 years? It is not really profitable from the seller’s point of view.

Owning a Linux handheld computer can help you detox from harmful Social Media experiences; using FOSS also means getting rid of bloatware or walled gardens like Android, iOS, MacOS or Windows. This can allow you to run top quality creative software without spending a cent, on hardware that is relatively really cheap!

Also, if you are a daily GNU/Linux user like me this will ease integration between your devices. I’m planning to use the same distro, Void Linux, on every device I own. My desktop, my laptop and this handheld :)

Building a General Purpose Linux Handheld can be a fun and educative experience. You also end up with a device that your kids, parents, friends or sysadmin can enjoy for everyday tasks.

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About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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