Brillo OS — New Android-based OS for Internet of Things from Google, at next I/O event

By on May 26, 2015
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Important announcement we hope to see confirmed during Google’s next I/O event in San Francisco scheduled on May, 28-29th.

Brillo will be the OS dedicated to IoT devices, with low memory footprint and remotely managed.

Here is a “spoiler”:

Google is expected to launch a new Android-based operating system that would be lightweight enough to run on low-power devices connected to the “Internet of Things” (IoT).

The OS is dubbed “Brillo,” and the news outlet claims the company is likely to release the new operating system under the Android brand next weekend at Google I/O, the company’s annual conference for software developers.
The connected OS, which may require as little as 32 or 64 MB of RAM to run, could be used on everything from major smart home appliances such as refrigerators, TVs to smaller tech such as garden monitors, light bulbs, door locks and sensors.
According to The Information, the search engine giant wants to design their own IoT communications schemes instead relying on the hardware vendors for IoT operating systems. Google will also offer Brillo for free to OEMs.

The official event page, here from Google. Together with IoT news, a new Android release will be announced.

Source: Google Brillo OS — New Android-based OS for Internet of Things

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