ArduTester V1.13: the Arduino transistor tester

By on May 10, 2021
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The project consists of an automatic transistor tester, which allows you to identify the pinout and characteristics of various discrete semiconductors (NPN, PNP, MOSFET transistors, etc.). It is also capable of measuring resistors, capacitors, inductances and diodes.

The original project was written in a mix of C and AVR Assembly Code; this instead uses an Arduino Editor, that simplifies the handling of the software and makes it instantly possible to modify, verify and load on an Arduino UNO board without installing any suite.

The main components are: Arduino UNO R3, LCD 1602, push buttons, breadboard and resistors. In order to use it you just need to connect the component you want to teste, press the TEST button and read the result on the LCD.

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About Bianchi Gabriele

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