AirMIDI – hand motion MIDI controller using Arduino

By on September 8, 2021
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Control any MIDI parameter value of your DAW through hand movements. The first controller was made using the knobs of a potentiometer, however the functionality of the knob is only to send values from 0-127 and this can be done by any means, so we thought of using the ultrasonic sensor.

This design has been made in such a way that simply holding your hands over the sensor and moving them away/closer it behaves similarly to turning the knobs of the potentiometer from side to side.

You can add many more sensors and map them with your DAW to control any MIDI level. We use the Arduino Uno microcontroller (however any other Arduino will work, we only need four digital pins and 5V Vcc), 2 ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 (you can use any number of sensors and make the necessary changes to the code), a digital audio workstation.

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About Bianchi Gabriele

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