Aerowood, Wooden Modular DIY Drone

By on March 18, 2019
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Created by a small team of engineers and designers from SirTeen, based in San Diego, the Aerowood drone comes with 184 basswood parts, a computer board, and a 720p HD camera, which are all ready to slot together like a 3D jigsaw. As a choice of wood, basswood represents an ideal combination of aesthetics, weight and resistance – although there’s an acknowledgment that it will never surpass plastic for durability. Every drone kit comes with spare body parts to replace any wear and tear, though.

Smart technology incorporated into the tiny Aerowood drone allows it to automatically return to its home location in one click. Even if Aerowood flies out of its range under Safe Mode, or if the aircraft encounters a signal loss, it is still capable to return to its initial starting point.

Aerowood comes with 4 types of style to choose, with a good controller features and with an application designed for users to code their drone’s flight path before it takes to the skies.

Aerowood Drone’s main features are:

  • First Wooden Modular Drone
  • Real-Time Transmission
  • Multiple Aircraft Settings
  • Stable Hovering
  • One Key Return
  • Encourage STEAM
  • Graphical Programming
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Lightweight

Further information can be found on the Indiegogo crowdfunding page.

About Luca Ruggeri

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