Your Choco-IoT device in 15 steps, thanks to Relayr Wunderbar

By on April 4, 2015
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We have already met them at the Maker Faire Rome edition 2014 and we have been impressed by the much interesting IoT ready-to-go solution that guys at Relayr have made.

On their website, you can find lots of useful material and documentation on how to build your own IoT solution in 15 steps and all the info about controller and sensor boards available.

You have a Master module, acting as controller and main interface board and 6 tiny BLE sensors, like a microphone for environmental measurements, a movement sensor, a RGB color sensor, an IR transceiver, a temperature sensor and the compatibility with Grove modules from Seeedstudio.

Here are the general specs:

Master Module

  • Freescale ARM Cortex-M4 MK24
  • 1MB Flash, 256KB SRAM
  • 12 GPIOs (analog, SPI, I2C, UART)
  • Gainspan GS1500 WiFi with TLS encryption
  • Nordic nRF51822 with Bluetooth LE stack
  • Li-ion Battery charger
  • Device firmware upgrade over USB (for BLE, Kinetis & WiFi module)
  • Backup Li-ion battery included

Mini Modules

  • Dimensions: 18.6 x 29 x 6.8 mm
  • Nordic ARM Cortex M0 nRF51822
  • Bluetooth LE stack, ceramic antenna
  • 256KB flash, 16KB SRAM
  • 8 GPIOs (analog, SPI, I2C, UART)
  • 1 x WiFi
  • 1 x BLE bridge to Grove/Arduino/Raspberry Pi
  • 1 x IR transmitter
  • 6 x BLE (Beacons)
  • 8 x Sensing variables
  • 3V CR2032 Lithium batteries included
  • Over the air firmware upgrade (from onboarding app)
  • All modules have 8 exposed pins (can be used as GPIOs, I2C, UART, PWM or analog inputs)

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