• Intruder Detection Using Raspberry Pi Pico and thermal camera

    The home security camera does a good job, but it may not work in complete darkness. You also don’t want your gadget to trigger a false alarm if it detects, for example, a cat. In this project...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Aerialtronics Just Announced the New Version of its AI Camera PENSAR

    PENSAR is one of the world’s first platforms with dual spectrum digital vision that allows real-time analysis of images or data. Infinitely customizable, it can be mounted on professional drone, mobile robot or used as an independent...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY an Arduino Scanning Thermometer

    Using an Arduino Nano and two rotary stages, this Maker hacked together a panoramic thermal imaging camera. After ordering and finally receiving an infrared thermometer in the mail, the author of this project set to work to...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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