• LaserDUO: the Open Source Dual Laser Cutter

    LaserDUO is an open source dual-wavelength laser cutter that includes a 130 W CO2 laser and a 75 W Nd:YAG laser and which cuts at a speed of up to 800 mm/s at a resolution of 25 microns (1000 dpi)....

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Tomas Diez
    Global transitions, Fab Labs and Fab Cities: interview with Tomas Diez

    Incredibly enough, given the incredible amount of work he’s doing to prepare the next edition of the International Fablabs Conference, the FAB 10 that will happen soon in Barcelona, we had the chance to host this beautiful...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • fab lab
    How to start a Fab Lab: some tips and tricks

    Building a Fab Lab can be funny, and can be frustrating too, depending on how much you know about building a community, a place to work well (to partly live, to be honest), and building a team...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 3