• Alzheimer’s Assistant

    Being a maker, I thought about this and decided that I will build a wearable device, a system which can help both patients with Alzheimer and their caretakers. This system should be able to carry out at...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Pulse Sensor Wearable

    This project is about designing and creating a wearable that will take into consideration the health of the user that will wear it. Its objective is to act like an exoskeleton which function is to relax and...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • DIY Open Source “Smarch Watch”

    Samson March, an inquisitive Redditor, recently revealed that he built an entire smartwatch from scratch and he shared details of the process down to the smallest minutiae: his creation is named Smarch Watch. I decided sometime last...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • HairIO: The Interactive Hair Extension

      The Hybrid Ecologies Lab at UC Berkeley have created interactive hair extensions capable of changing shape and color, sensing touch, and communicating over Bluetooth. Hair is a unique and little-explored material for new wearable technologies. Its long history of cultural...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • DIY Miniature and Wearable Electronics, on Indiegogo now!

    Great DIY wearable project on Indiegogo now, 36 days left. Let’s help them reaching the target! We love electronics, especially Wearables, and that is why we have made super cool modules that include heart rate detection, movement,...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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