• Home Assistant arrives on Android Auto

      Home Assistant has announced the development of an app for Android Auto. In December, Google released an update for Android Auto that now accepts IoT apps in the Play Store. This means that it will be...

    • Posted 10 months ago
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  • Let’s MONITOR our house with IFTTT

      Let’s switch on the house lights using voice commands given through Google Assistant and the ESP demoboard for WiFi connection. Google is one of the most innovative companies in the IT sector and it’s testified by...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Google I/O 2016 in a nutshell

    Google’s I/O 2016 conference just ended few days ago, and gave us as usual a lot of information on what to expect in the next months from the BigG. Google I/O is primarily a developer conference; by...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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