• The plant asks water

      A flower pot with a technological flowerpot dish that, when a person comes near, produces a colour-changing, rotating light which varies based on the humidity of the ground and therefore on the plant’s need to be...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • How to Grow Your Salad With a Rotating Hydroponic System

    Hydroponics is an effective way of growing plants indoors through the use of water medium and artificial lighting. It often involves having a system to raise and lower the water level around the plants to let the...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Monitor your Bonsai with Arduino Uno

    A smart application for our beloved Arduino and the Bonsai care. I’m one of those capable of let even a Cactus die (no green thumb unfortunately) but this application could worth a try, even with a precious...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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