PiScope Raspberry Pi Optical Tracking Telescope

By on May 5, 2016
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Toby Kurien has unveiled a new Raspberry Pi Optical Tracking Telescope project he has created using a Pi mini PC, a little Arduino, together with a handful of 3D printer parts called the PiScope.

The PiScope offers a way to create a basic astrophotography set up using an affordable telescope and mount and was started as a project via House4Hack during which many members were helped bring the project to life, says Toby.

As written on Toby’s PiScope project page:

PiScope is an open source project to do basic astrophotography using a RaspberryPi, Arduino, 3d-printed parts, and a telescope. When it is done we hope to have autotracking via OpenCV working and at the moment can use a keyboard to jog the telescope view, take photos, take videos, and stream images to a laptop via a wifi hotspot. It also has a neat little screen where everyone can see the eyepiece view. This is quite handy for star parties.

Check out some project details on the House4Hack PiScope page, including the presentation at ScopeX 2015. The source code, 3d printer files, Arduino firmware, etc. are available in the GitHub repository for PiScope.

Source: PiScope Raspberry Pi Optical Tracking Telescope

About Luca Ruggeri

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