OSWIN: an indie Open Source Wireless IoT Node

By on November 4, 2013
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An interesting open source platform created by an independent developer:

OSWIN is the only slightly contrived acronym for my new Arduino compatible Open Source Wireless IoT Node based on the ATmega1284P AVR microcontroller.

Here’s the spec:

  • 16KB RAM, 128KB Flash, 4KB EEPROM, 2 UARTs, 3 Interrupts
  • Up to 32 Digital I/O, 8 with hardware PWM
  • Up to 8 Analogue inputs
  • RFM12B Transceiver, mounted on the board or via my RFM12B breakout board
  • Socket for WIZ820io W5200 ethernet module
  • XBee compatible socket for XBee or Ciseco XRF low power radios or Roving Networks RN-XV Wi-Fi module
  • Arduino shield compatible
  • Programming via FTDI or ICSP
  • Power from USB or FTDI/ICSP headers
  • RGB status LED
  • Running at 3.3V throughout
  • Dimensions 95 x 80mm

via Introducing OSWIN, the Open Source Wireless IoT Node | nathan.chantrell.netnathan.chantrell.net.


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