ONetSwitch the Open Source Hardware for Networking, back them on Kickstarter!

By on February 12, 2015
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MeshSr is specialized in the development and production of platforms for networking communication, especially in the field of Software-Defined-Networking (SDN). They’ve released on Kickstarter an open source platform:

“The ONetSwitch project sets up an open Software Defined Networking platform for you, building your own network appliance that transform, inspect, filter or otherwise manipulate Lab/Home traffic for various purposes. ONetSwitch provides several reference designs available on GitHub. Each reference design consist of open source FPGA Hardware (RTL Code), Linux OS and open source software, sharing your mind and contribute to our community.”

Check the other features and back the project here: ONetSwitch: Open Source Hardware for Networking by MeshSr — Kickstarter.

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