HKCam is a DIY HomeKit Security Camera

By on May 31, 2019
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HomeKit app developer Matt Hochgatterer has unveiled an open-source HomeKit camera project. The HKCam allows users to create their own security camera compatible with Apple’s HomeKit for less than $30.

HKCam is easy to assemble even for fairly novice users. It will require a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a power supply, the official Raspberry Pi camera module, a microSD card, and the 3D printed housing. If you don’t have a 3D printer Hochgatterer is able to print an enclosure for you for 5 to 8 Euros depending on whether you’d like the desktop case or the wall-mount case..

The firmware is based on Raspbian, FFmpeg to access the camera stream, as well as hc, a lightweight framework to develop HomeKit accessories in Go. You’ll find the documentation, source code and STL files for your 3D printer in Github. 

Home 3 app allows you to monitor the live stream, take persistent snapshots, and integrate the IP camera with other HomeKit compatible devices such as motion sensors. HKcam IP camera works best with Apple devices, but if you are using Android, you may have it working through Home Assistant.

About Luca Ruggeri

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