Hands-free Tokens

By on May 21, 2021
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Hey Geeks,

Now I am studying in +2 which is equivalent to 12th Grade. I am very interested in computer science and also my main subject is that. I spent a lot of time in developing Embedded projects. I have around 3 years of experience in the embedded field. I always focus on innovative and variety solutions. My parents gave me huge support for making this project.

The main theme of the contest is to create hands-free solutions.

Here I am creating a device called QMN(Queue Management Node) which can create a virtual token and thus it can maintain the virtual queue.

In certain queue’s, we need to receive physical tokens from the counter that will probably lead you in danger. So by using this virtual tokens you can avoid that danger. You are actually getting virtual tokens on your smartphone. The token is completely hands-free.

It is a simple user-friendly virtual queue maker powered by Arduino MKR WiFI 1010.


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About Emanuele Signoretta

Studying electronics and communication engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Electronics, IT and Open Source enthusiast.

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