Human Body Induction Alarm Based on Arduino with Arduino UNO, Infrared Sensor Module,Buzzer Module

By on July 2, 2015

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Project Summary:

ICStation team of research and development department have made this project about the human body induction alarm .It uses DC5V voltage to work. When someone is appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor and the whole system will use both sound and light to alarm. The inducing distance is 7m.And it is a simple and cheap alarm which is suitable for a protection against burglars to home, office, warehouse and laboratory.

Full Project:

Features of human body induction alarm :
1.When the hardware initializes, the buzzer will sound and the LED lights will flicker.The whole process keeps for 3-5 seconds
2.If there is no one appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor, the buzzer will not sound and the LED light will not flicker.
3.If there is someone appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor, the buzzer will sound and the LED light will flicker.The alarm of both sound and light will keep for 5 seconds.
4.If there is someone appearing in the inducing area of infrared sensor and remain still, the alarm will stop after 5 seconds of sound and light alarm.And only when the human body is moving during the inducing area of infrared sensor and then will trigger the alarm again.

Step 1: Hardware making tutorials

Connect +5 power and GND to bread board. The red jumper wire uses as power line and black jumper wire use as ground wire.

Step 2: Put the highlight LED emitting diode and pin header on the bread board

Step 3: Connect 2 PCS 3P Dupont Line to the buzzer module and human infrared sensor module

Step 4: Connect the buzzer module and human infrared sensor module to the bread board

Step 5: Connect the the signal end

Connect the the signal end of highlight LED emitting diode, buzzer module and human infrared sensor module to the Arduino board

Step 6: Connect the power end and ground wire end

Connect the power end and ground wire end of the components to the positive and negative pole of bread board

Step 7: Video to show the effect


Circuit diagram:

Bill of Materials:

1.ICStation ATMEGA328 UNO V3.0 R3 Board Compatible Arduino UNO R3
2.Bread Board
3.Highlight LED light emitting diode
4.Human Infrared Sensor Module
5.Active Buzzer Module for Arduino
6.Jumper wires
7.DuPont line
8.USB line


int light=9;
int Sensor_pin = 3;
int Buzzerpin = 2;
void Alarm() 
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
void setup()
void loop()
int val=digitalRead(Sensor_pin);
if(val == 1) 



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