Automatic TEST BENCH

By on July 25, 2014

Web site:

Project Summary:

Use an arduino
- to set 2 parameter X ( dout PWM D5 ) and Y ( dout PWM D6 )
- to set 1 parameter N ( dout D7 ON / OFF )
and measure the result Z ( with Ain0 )

The measuring data field store to CSV and visualize it with processing
as 2 sets of 3D data.

Full Project:


Using this software with a arduino UNO and drive the in CIRCUIT DIAGRAM shown hardware allows to measure Z as 2 * 64 points ( with X,Y in steps 0 .. 7 ) sample time and settling time adjustable, min whole batch 1.28 sec. up to 4days?

Operation can be on arduino USB menu or processing keyboard commands:

(1) measure batch

(2) retrieve data to CSV file

(r) set data file active and show as 3.5D graph.

when the data are collected, and saved as CSV file, the processing tool can show the 2 datafields.


the visualization is adjustable by mouse ( rotate, zoom ) and by keyboard if you need to show the

– groundfloor

– BARs

– DOTs




But there also is a manual operation possible, via arduino menu or processing keyboard commands a setpoint N,X,Y, timer(millis) can be selected, [3] [0/1] [0..100] [0..100] [1000]

and a conti measurement [4] can be started and from there a incremental setpoint change is possible by [n] [N] [x] [X] [y] [Y] == down UP of the 3 outputs / axis.

For this the Z value is show in diagnostic window only.

In the revision from [5] the X is hold HIGH and the Y is performing a PWM signal SINUS [100] (loopcycles) to adjust a frequency

what via a 10uFcapacitor is generating a real analog signal ( medium quality ).


pls read more details at my BLOG


Circuit diagram:

The arduino controls your test bench, i used for development just a easy RC circuit and measured the voltage ( range ) the 2 PWM outputs created.

That is my reference data set. For the test signal i use the N ( Dout D7) to discharge that voltage via resistor and LED.






Bill of Materials:

arduino UNO
your test bench or
above circuit for test signal generation.
1 * LED
1 * R 220ohm
2 * R 1Kohm
1 * R 470ohm
1 * C 1 .. 10 uF


using arduino IDE 1.5.3 ==1.0.5 beta 3

and processing 2.0.3

here my code for arduino and processing




About KLL

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