Are you ready for the Future? Meet RandA at Maker Faire Rome

By on October 1, 2014
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The 3-4-5 October 2014, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, will host the second annual Maker Faire Rome, the largest European exhibition of Innovation, where thousands of visitors and makers are expected from all over Europe.
On this occasion Open-Electronics and Futura Group will present RandA!


What is RandA?


RaspberryPi and Arduino are very known experimental platforms. Therefore there are a lot of trials of combined use.
RandA system pretends to be the best solution for this purpose. If RaspberryPi is a complete system with a serious O.S. like Linux, however Arduino is a very simple I/O management system and it has a useful IDE for programming. Moreover, Arduino can rely on several add on “shields” for a lot of different purposes.

RandA (Raspberry and Arduino) allows collaboration between the two systems.
But RandA it is not just Arduino add-on for Raspberry: it is also a RTC with wake-up and switch-on/switch-off for entire system.


Come to Rome to see a preview of this innovative system!


About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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