Arduino Based Parking Assistant V2

By on December 27, 2019
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When life gives you bananas!!!!! Just eat them.Necessity is the mother of inventions, and I won’t deny that fact. Frankly speaking, this is the 2nd time I bumped into our garage wall since we moved into this new house. That’s it, there would be no third time.In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor with an Arduino Nano to calculate the car’s distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue, yellow and red LEDs. The color of LEDs indicates whether to keep moving, slow down, stop or go back.The total cost of the project is around $20 – $25.

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About Carlo Palumbo

Electronics and informatics are my biggest passions and through the development of projects in both areas during my graduation I was able to improve skills required to become expert in both. Curiosity was essential to increase my willing for learning more every day and that same curiosity is what motivates me to keep developing my knowledge. I have also attended the iOS Apple Developer Academy in Naples and won the WWDC18 contest. LinkedIN: YouTube: Facebook: GitHub:

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