• Welcome! TakeItApart

    Seems that another project is going the same direction of the more famous iFixit: Welcome to TakeItApart.com False Your source for disassembly information via Home – TakeItApart.    

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • European Economic and Social Committee calls for ending Planned Obsolescence

    Nowadays, obsolescence brings little if any advantage in terms of jobs. “Most of these products are manufactured outside Europe, by underpaid workers,” points out Mr Haber, who is the opinion’s co-rapporteur and a member of the EESC’s...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Fixperts wants to build a network of Fixers… and film it!

    Why did we start this project? We believe fixing is a valuable creative and social resource and we now know that people all over the world feel the same. Fixperts creates content that encourages people to use...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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