• Top Ten most exciting news in Open Hardware in 2014

    Here we are, the 2015 is fresh starting and as usual it’s the right time to take stock of the past year. In this post, we’ll go through the main accomplishments done in 2014 about open source...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Rome’s Maker Faire confirmed in 2014 – Save the Date!

    Spotted from the Facebook Channel of Maker Faire European Edition: Second edition will happen again in Rome! Hello Friends Rome Maker Faire the II Europan Edition is set in motion!!! Call 4 Maker will start 29 th...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Best Open Hardware Conferences Coming Up in 2014

    Every now and then when I talk with people, the question about what are the best context for Open Source Hardware companies to show up  we end up saying we need a list. For any given product...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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