Bring your old analog camera to new digital life with Raspberry Pi

By on September 10, 2016
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This case is something incredible! Other than protecting your raspberry pi 3 it allows you to connect your Breadboard through the 26 or 40Pin flex cable, now express your creativity! Take beatiful 35mm pictures with your old analog cameras! All you have to do is: – Detach the rear cap from the camera (this works on most cameras between the 50s and the 80s) – Adjust the exposure “hole” to the camera module installed on the back (8mp camera) – Connect the Sync Flash cable from the camera to the case – Set the exposure in “B” (Bulb) and you’re ready to go!

“I’m Back™”works with a great number of camera models and it has a Z X Y regulation which allows to adjust the F stop (24X36mm) which is placed behind the shutter.

I'm Back™  - back - TFT for settings and computer raspberry access

It uses the Pi Camera module to take the picture actually, and a touch TFT 2,4″ to control all the settings. From $149 for the 3D printed parts to $349 for the assembled cover bundled with the electronics!

Check the Kickstarter campaing!

About Luca Ruggeri

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